Submit Images
Please consider donating your virtual slide image files to the VMD. If you have questions or concerns or want to know how to donate image files, please contact one of the VMD administrators.
The Virtual Microscopy Database is only as good as its generous virtual image dataset donors. Collections of virtual microscopy images from across the globe is what makes the VMD library comprehensive and allows its users access to a wide variety of virtual histology images.
Thank you for your interest in donation your virtual microscopy image library.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of being an image donor?
Access to all VMD database regardless of AAA membership.
Who can donate?
Faculty, staff or investigators with educational and research institutional affiliations.
What to donate?
Collection of digital tissue slide images in any of the following formats.
Ideal file formats for donation:
JPEG2000 (.jpx/.jp2)
Aperio (.svs)
Nanozoomer (.ndpi/.vms/.vmu)
JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg)
TIFF (.tiff/.tif)
Files formats with limited support:
Olympus VSI (.vsi): limited to specific versions of VSI
Zeiss CZI (.czi): restricted to small images due to difficulty streaming large images
XMP sidecar (.xmp): technically not an image format but still supported
Legal and Privacy Notices and Disclaimers
By using these features you agree to the rules laid out on this page.
General Disclaimer of Liability The content on this site is provided for informational, educational, and research purposes only and on an “as is” basis. AAA and the VMD Management Team do not warrant the accuracy, correctness, reliability, comprehensiveness, or currency of any content. AAA and VMD disclaim all warranties, express or implied, regarding any content, and further disclaim liability for any consequences from the use or misuse of any content.
Virtual Microscopy Database Without diminishing or limiting the above general disclaimer of liability, AAA and VMD do not warrant the accuracy, correctness, reliability, comprehensiveness, or currency of any drawing, diagram, image, or other information contained in the Virtual Microscopy Database. While VMD has taken steps to ensure that use of submissions to the Database will not result in copyright infringement, the VMD makes no assurances to this effect. Liability for the consequences of reliance on or use of any drawing, diagrams, images, or other information contained in the Database is hereby disclaimed.
Endorsements Any reference to a commercial or non-commercial product, process, service, or company is not an endorsement or recommendation by the VMD unless specifically stated as such. AAA and VMD assume no liability whatsoever for the use or contents of any product or service mentioned.
User Privacy and Confidentiality The VMD maintains the following privacy policy to protect personal information you may provide online. When you log on, you are not recognized and are anonymous. For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes only the consumer’s domain name, but not the e-mail address. We collect information volunteered by the visitor, such as the survey information and site registration. The information we collect can be used for data and trends analysis or to contact visitors to support AAA and VMD. If you supply us with your postal address on-line, you may receive mailings from us with information about new programs and services. The personal information you provide is stored in a secure location, accessible only by appropriate staff, and is used only for the purposes, for which you provide the information. It will not be made available to others outside the AAA and the VMD team.
Copyright The copyright of all images deposited in the Virtual Microscopy Database (VMD) will remain with the original copyright owner. Before depositing any image files in the VMD, please make sure that you or your institution owns the copyright for these images or that you have proper permission from the copyright owner to deposit the image(s) in the VMD. The American Association of Anatomists, the VMD and the VMD managers hold no responsibility that the copyright belongs to the donor of the images or that proper consent has been obtained from the image’s copyright owner. If you believe that any image(s) in the VMD do not have the copyright owner’s consent, please contact the VMD managers.
Creative Commons License (CC) All images in the VMD are made available under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Creative Commons License (CC) ( By downloading or copying any of the VMD images, the user agrees to the restrictions as defined by the above CC license. All images downloaded from the VMD must be given proper credit to the image’s copyright holder and indicate if changes were made to the image(s). Without obtaining permission from the images’ copyright owner these images may NOT be used for any commercial purposes (including, but not limited to books for sale, subscription websites, product promotions and others). Please note that the VMD is not the copyright owner of any of the images. If you share downloaded or copied images (either modified or in its original form) with a third party, the same CC license applies to the recipient of the shared material.